Thursday, February 3, 2011

While Loop and Do...While Loop

Assalamu'alaikum and selamat sejahtera

After For loops ,we will learn the While loop and Do..While loop.For those who already learned the C programming or other language programming might does not need explanation on this loops.For the beginner,just click here for more explanation.

oKEy,the concept of this loop is quite simple:

while (condition) {
code that to be executed if the condition is true

For example

$number = 1;
while ($number =< 10) {
print (" number = " . $number . "<BR>");

and for Do....While loop:

while (condition)

for example:

$number = 1;

print (" number = " . $number . "<BR>");

while ($number =< 10);

Is quite simple ryte?why don't u try these loop on the previous exercise.

The Code for do...while loop:
<title>Do...While loop</title>



print (" number = " . $number . "<BR>");

while ($number <= 10);





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