Friday, January 28, 2011

LeARning Textbox :PHP


so,how r u?fine?not so fine?emm..wanna some aspirin?i got some,heh.So,its quite long i doesn't post ,to be honest ,i'm quite forget what we learn the last post,doesn't a matter because this code below may remind us..huhu,just maybe or maybe not...whatever,hehe:

<title>The First HTML form</title>

<FORM NAME ="formOne" METHOD =" POST" ACTION = "">
 <INPUT TYPE = "TEXT"  VALUE ="username">
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit"  Name = "SubmitOne"   VALUE = "Login">

u remember ryte? if not?just click here.So for this post we will concentrate on this line:

<INPUT TYPE = "Text" VALUE ="username">

change that line to this:

<INPUT TYPE = "Text" VALUE ="username" NAME = "username">

The NAME of our textbox is "username". u can use the other name like namewoo,lor or anything name that u like but for this post ,we will use "username".

So,add this code :

$username = $_POST['username'];
print ($username);

on head section of ur html code like this:

<title>The First HTML form</title>
$username = $_POST['username'];
print ($username);

so,just run it and ignore this error :

Notice: Undefined index: username in.....

just click the button "login",u should see like this:

Delete the text "username" from the textbox,and type any name that u like and click the button again. ur new text should appear above the textbox.So far okay?

So the $_POST[] is an inbuilt function that u can use to get POST data from a form. If ur METHOD = "GET" on ur form, then u should change ur line to this::

$username = $_GET['username'];

u type the  username,because NAME="username"...

<INPUT TYPE = "Text" VALUE ="username" NAME = "username">

so that why we type like this:  


if NAME="namewoo" then   


as long ur method in ur form still METHOD="POST".

$username = $_POST['username'];

So PHP will look for a HTML form element with the NAME username. It then looks at the VALUE attribute for this form element. It returns this value for you to use and manipulate.

<INPUT TYPE = "Text" VALUE ="username" NAME = "username">

in this case the Value ="username",that why when we run the script,we can see word "username" inside the textbox.

so,we manipulate it by change this code to like this:

<title>The First HTML form</title>

$username = $_POST['username'];

if ($username == "master") {
print ("Welcome back, master!");

else {
print ("You're not a member...");



<INPUT TYPE = "Text" VALUE ="username" NAME = "username">
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit"  Name = "SubmitOne"   VALUE = "Login">


 so,run the code.u should see like this:

then u type "master" inside the textbox,click button.u should see like this:

then the "master" automatically change to "username" because the text box is getting reset when the data is returned to the browser. The Value attribute of the text box is what is being displayed.

that all for today..

N\Note :any question?lor

Monday, January 17, 2011

Submit button (HTML+PHP)

Hye every one?how r u?so for this post we will discuss more on submit button,this lesson will take short time to understand!trust me,hahaha

so,to send this script to somewhere, u just need a HTML Submit button:

<INPUT TYPE = "Submit" Name = "SubmitOne" VALUE = "Login">

we don't need to do add some special code or script or anything special with a Submit button, it is because  the submitting is already done by the PC,server. Easily to say that, we don't need think more about this submitting stuff. As long as SUBMIT has an ACTION set, then ur data will get sent somewhere.What i meant is before this line ,we must have this line first:

                 <FORM NAME ="formOne" METHOD ="POST" ACTION = "">

It is for to assign value to the METHOD and the ACTION.Besides,the NAME attribute is very helpful if we want to check either if the form is really submitted ,or the user just clicked the cancel or refresh button only.My Submit button is called "SubmitOne", but u can call it almost anything u like.

N/NOTE:is that clear?this post just explain which line is enable the submit button,that's all.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

More on Method and Action (HTML + PHP )

Oke,then for this post,we will test another method which is POST,so change it from GET to POST.Here is the example:


then press login button..

the?Submit1=Login is now gone. This is because we used POST as the method. Using POST means that the form data won't get appended to the address in the address bar for all to see.for more click here!

now,we will learn about ACTION.

<FORM NAME ="formOne" METHOD ="" ACTION = "">

the action is  specifies where to send the form-data when a form is submitted. for more on for this lesson we will send the script to the same page that the form is on – send it to itself, in other words. We'll use that technique first.

what u need to do is just change the previous script click here.Then locate this line:

<Form Name ="formOne" Method ="POST" ACTION = "">

change it to be like this:

<Form Name ="formOne" Method ="POST" ACTION = "bsicForm.php">

 bsicForm.php: so this is my file name,how about yours? 

So,we're going to send the form data to it itself. Then save ur work again in PHP file just to remind and then click the submit button.u wont see anything different but make sure there is no any error message!

 N/NOTE:we have learn two method :GET N POST + ACTION...anything fine?if not,comment me here!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Method ( HTML +PHP )

For this post,i will explain about the function of method:

<FORM NAME ="formOne" METHOD =" " ACTION = "">

Method : tell to the browser how the form information should be sent. most popular methods . GET and POST. So,change it like this:.

<FORM NAME ="formOne" METHOD ="GET" ACTION = "">

then copy this script n run it on the browser:

<title>The First HTML form</title>

<FORM NAME ="formOne" METHOD ="GET " ACTION = "">
<INPUT TYPE = "TEXT"  VALUE ="username">
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit"  Name = "SubmitOne"   VALUE = "Login">


Remember to save it as PHP file! eg: GET.php

run it and then,click the 'Login' button,and u will notice that the address will change from this:

to be like this:

u r notice ryte?if not it is never mind,but we will concentrate on this :

so,to explain is because of using the GET method.So SubmitOne was the NAME of the button, and Login was the VALUE of the button (the text on the button). u can use the GET method when the returned data  is not important information that needs protecting.That why the returned data is display on address bar.

N/NOTE: more information,next post,we will discuss another method:POST 


For this post,we will learn how to make a form in HTML,but the file is save  in php format not HTML,because we are in PHP course!hee

So the FORM tags can be used to interact with the users. For example text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, drop down lists, text areas, and submit buttons.Here is the simple example:

<title>The First HTML form</title>

<FORM NAME ="formOne" METHOD =" " ACTION = "">
 <INPUT TYPE = "TEXT"  VALUE ="username">
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit"  Name = "SubmitOne"   VALUE = "Login">


after paste it on the as "HTMLform.php" or any name that u like but remember to save it as PHP file!

 N/NOTE:make sure the browser can read this script...Got problem?well..i'm ready for questions!

The order of Precedence – PHP

Below is the order of precedence

*    /     %         Highest Precedence
+   -      .
<   <=   >   >=
===    !== 
| |
OR                   Lowest Precedence
quite confusing ryte?well don't worry,it is just ur first step to know the order of precedence.

N/NOTE:for this symbol ===,i actually know that that symbol is use when to check if one value has the same as another AND are of the same is the example:

$number = 11;
$text = 'eleven';

if ($number === $text) {
else {
print("Not the same");

Since one is text and the other is a number, the answer is "no", or false.Luckily, we will not use this operator quite much!so that all for today!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Boolean Values-PHP-

say with me....1,2,3:BOOOOOLEANN!!hahaha

Oke ,it is known as True or False values. True = 1, and False =0. Let we just jump to example !

$true_value = true;
$false_value = false;

print ("true_value = " . $true_value);

print (" false_value = " . $false_value);

OK ,for this script it will show to u the value of true and false,for false,it will print blank NOT the number zero.Another example for proving that true=1 and false=0:

$true_value = true;
$false_value = false;

if ($true_value == 1) 
print("that's true");


print (" false_value = " . $false_value);


Plus,u also can do like this:
$true_value = true;
$false_value = false;

if ($true_value) 
print("that's true");



print (" false_value = " . $false_value);

Besides,NOT also can use with boolean value,like this:

$true_value = true;

if (!$true_value) {
print("that's true");

else {
print("that's not true");

N/NOTE:try it,test it!!god luck!

Logical Operator (PHP)

As well as the comparison operators we saw earlier, there's also something called Logical Operators,ah haa,dont be panic,ok?hehehe. It just typically use these when u want to test more than one condition at one time. For example, u could check to see whether the name and ID number or password are correct from the If Statement. Here's the list of Operands.

 Operand         Example                                     Meaning
   &&             $var1 && $var2            both of them must be true
     | |                $var1 | | $var2                At least one of them is true.
  AND            $var1 AND $var2         both of them must be true
  XOR            $var1 XOR $var2          At least one of them is true.,
                                                   but NOT both?(please read explanation below
   OR               $var1 OR $var2            At least one of them is true.
    !                      !$var1                           Is NOT something/same

 Here is the explanation:

The && Operator
The && symbols mean AND. Use this if u need both values must be true, as in our ID name and ID numbers test. After all, u don't want to let people in if they just get the ID name right but not the ID numbers! Here's an example:

$ID name ='user';
ID numbers ='password';

if ($ID name ='user' && $ID numbers ='password') 
print("Welcome !");

else {
ID name or ID numbers or both of them!");

The if statement is just the same, but notice that two conditions are being tested:

                  $ID name ='user' && $ID numbers ='password

This says, "If   ID name is correct AND the ID numbers is ok, too, then let them in".

The | | Operator

It mean OR. This symbol needed when u only want one of ur conditions to be true. For example, suppose u want to grant a mystery prize to customer if they have spent more than RM50 OR they have the special key. Else they don't get any prize. u'd then code like this:

$total =50;
$special_key ='SK14525';

if ($total_spent =50 | | $special_key ='SK14525') 
print("U got the prize!");

else {
print("No prize for you!");

Only need ONE of them to be true. If either one of them is true, then the code gets executed. If they are both false, then PHP will move on.

AND and OR

These are the same as the first two! AND is the same as && and OR is the same as ||.
There is a subtle difference, but as a beginner, u can simply replace this:

$ID name ='user' && $ID numbers ='password

With this

$ID name ='user' AND $ID numbers ='password

And this:

$total=50 | | $special_key ='SK14525'

With this:

$total =50 OR $special_key ='SK14525'

but AND is a lot easier to read than &&. OR is a lot easier to read than ||.
The difference, incidentally, is to do with Operator Precedence.The full explanation is coming soon!


It's used when u want to test if one value of two is true but NOT both. If both values are the same, then PHP sees the expression as false . If they are both different, then the value is true. Suppose u had to pick a winner between two participants. Only one of them can win. It's an XOR situation!Here's the example:

$participant_one = true;
participant_two = true;
if ($participant_one XOR $participant_two) 
print("Only 1 winner!");
else {
print("Both can't win!");

running the script!

The ! Operator
Known as the NOT operator. u use it test whether something is NOT something else. Plus u can also use it to reverse the value of a true or false value. For example, u want to reset a variable to false, if it's been set to true, and vice versa. Here's some example to try:

$value = true;
if ($value = = true)

The code above will print out the number 0! (we'll see why when we tackle Boolean values below.)
What we're saying here is, "If $value is true then set it to what it's NOT." What it's NOT is false, so it will now get this value. A bit confused? It's okey,soon u will understand it!

N/NOTE:the next part, we'll take a look at Boolean values.besides,please comment me!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Switch case Statement

hye guys!now for this post i will show to u on how to use Switch case in PHP.Below is my explanation + my example:

ok,the concept of statement is quite similar to if...else statement.but,to me,this concept is quite convenient because u will state what variable do u want to,that's why the code is begin with like this:

 switch ($AnyVariableDoYouLike) {

and for case:For exmple:

case 'conditionOfVariable':     quite similar to    if($AnyVariableDoYouLike==1)

as u can see that,case is quite similar to if statement but if statement use comparator operand to check the condition as we learn before this.while default statement is just same with else statement.For exmple

default:                                                       else

 print('no food');      is same with            print('no food');               

But,the most significant one is statement has break for each case n default

Here the code,try it,test it feel it by urself!


$food ='delicious';

switch ($food) {

case 'cheap':
'the variable is $food and it is value is cheap');

case 'delicious':
the variable is $food and it is value is delicious' );


 print('no food')
break ;

N/NOTE:so far okey?well that all the best that i can present to u,huhu

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Exploring the comparator operator in PHP

 So2,for this crazy mornink, we'll study the Comparison Operator!.So open up ur textpad, and copy this code:


$name_one = 'greyson';
$name_two = 'greySon';

if ($name_two != $name_one

print("This is different person! it never be the same!");
for ur information too,although we look this variable is same but the computer is more sensitive than us ,it look at both variable as different because the greySon in $name_two is has capital S while $name_one doesn't have any capital word.*/  


N/NOTE: unfortunately,i just show for unequal operand only...what..i'm lazy?hey c'maaan i'm not lazy as llama(Llama) lor ...i just give u chances to explore the other operands.Just read the statement below for my reason of my action!hehe

"You’ll never enjoy your life,
          living inside the box 

             You’re so afraid of taking chances,
                 how you gonna reach the top?

   -Greyson Chance - Waiting Outside The Lines Lyrics :-

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Comparison Operator in PHP

MOrnink guys!!!!

So,today we will learn the comparator in PHP...before we start this adventure,i want to ask something,  do u remember the post entitle "Conditional Logic(if....else)".remember?ryte?.Okey,at that post, we used the double equals sign (==) to test whether the variable was the same thing as some direct text. The double equals sign is known as a Comparison Operator. There a few more of these “operands” to get used in this course.

Below is a list. Take a look....soon we will use them on the next post!

Operand              Example                   Meaning    

     ==                   $v1 == $v2               $v1 is same with $v2

     !=                    $v1 != $v2                $v1 is not same with $v2

      <                    $v1 < $v2                 $v2 is larger than $v1
                                                             OR  $v1 is less than $v2

      >                    $v1 > $v2                 $v1 is larger than $v2
                                                             OR $v2 is less than $v1

     <=                   $v1 <= $v2               $v2 is larger than or equal to $v1

     >=                   $v1 >= $v2               $v1 is larger than or equal to $v2

That all !!

N/NOTE: for the next post,we will learn how to use them in PHP is easy,ryte?hahaha


below is the code to display the image on the browser using PHP:

print ("<IMG SRC =YOURfolder/yourPicture.jpg>");

N/NOTE:please make sure that YOURfolder folder is inside WWW  folder,for those who use EasyPHP.make sure ur path is CORRECT!!!good luck!

Conditional Logic(if....else)

What is Conditional Logic?

Conditional Logic is all about asking  to urself or maybe with ur friends...."What happens IF ... ".For example, when u saw a  note "Don't Kick this Ball - Under any circumstance!",then u are using Conditional Logic. u are asking, "Well, what happens IF I do press the button?"

Another example of Conditional Logic in our daily life all the time:

"If I turn the volume up on my stereo, will the roomate be pleased?"
"If spend all my money on a new phone, will it make me satisfy?"
"If I take this course, will it increase my confident?"

ok let us,take this example:

$Name = "ali";

so,this variable is declare in "$Name" and it assign with "ali". We would use some daily Conditional Logic like this:

"IF $Name is ali, then let $Name have access to the site."

but in PHP, we use the "IF" word like this:

if ($Name == "ali")
//Code to let user access the site here;

So, this is the skeleton of if statement :

if ( )


So in between the two round brackets, u type the condition that u want to test. For example,

($Name == "ali")

Instead of using one if statements, we also can use an if ... else statement. Like this:

if ($Name == "abu") {
print ("His name is abu");
else {
print ("This is a wrong!");

If we look at it closely, we’ll see that we have a If Statement first, followed by an “else” part after it. Here’s the “else” part:


Ok,let me explain it how its works .So, we’re asking is: “Is it true that $Name holds a value abu ?” The variable $Name holds a value ali not abu, so PHP sees this as not true. Then because of that, PHP ignores the line of code for the if statement. So, it will execute the code for the “else” part. It doesn’t need to do any testing because else means “when all other condition is false or not true, run the code between the else curly brackets.“ For us,that was this:

else {
print ("This is a wrong!");

So,how about if we got a lot of set of condition?do not worry  the PHP script already have the solution to solve this twisted question!haha

ok,in PHP,we can use this code for a lot of conditions:

if (first condition) 
//PHP run this code if
first condition is true

else if (second condition){
//PHP run this code if second condition is true

//PHP run this code if first condition and second condition or all conditions above is false

is it easy right?hahaha,i hope so,but feel free if u got some problems

N/NOTE:next post,we will deal with how-to-show-the-images-with-PHP-!

Floating number and 2nd exercise

For this post,i will concentrate on the floating is simple just like this:


that all!plus if u want to use some operation using floating number,just as same we learn in previous post "Operation plus(+)..." .it simple ryte?so,after learning this operation in PHP script,i would like to remind again that ,it would be more better if we do some exercise right,so,here is the 2nd exercise,hope u enjoy it!good luck!


1.Write a script for addition operation by using this figures: 18, 34, 769. Use a print statement as your output.

2.Write a script for addition operation by using this figures: 35, 65. Then subtract the answer with 170. Use a print statement as your output.

3.Use the variables to calculate this figures below:
(220 * 17) / 20
Use a print statement as your output.

N/NOTE: please comment me if u got some problem...tq

Monday, January 10, 2011

Math operation in PHP

So,for this lesson,i will show u the operation in PHP.this will take a sec to understand this,trust me!
here is the code:

<title>Operation in PHP script</title>


$number1 = 13;
$number2 = 27;
$total = $number1 + $number2;

$connect_text = 'The total of two variables  = ';

print ($connect_text . $total);



then,let us take a look on this line :

$total = $number1 + $number2;

here ,we got 3 variables ,1 '=' and 1 '+'.so this plus symbol(+) is function to add the variables.

plus it also can be like this:


well,just try change '+' with other operation symbol like subtract(-),divide(/) and multiply(*).then take this line:

$total = $number1 + $number2;

change it to be like this:

$total = $number1 + ($number2-$number3);
/* declare first the variable '$number3' and already put the value in that variable*/

N/NOTE:Well,just explore it by urself,if got some problem,please comment me...

      --->operation in PHP is piece of cake !<---

How-to-join-text-in-PHP script

ok,for this post i will show to u on how-to-join-text-in-PHP script.First of all,copy this code first:

<title>joining the text</title>


$test_number7 = 7;
$connected_text = 'The value of my variable is :';

print ($connected_text . $test_number7);


Okay,let's us examine this line first:

print ($connected_text . $test_number7);

So,just take a look inside the round bracket,can u see the dot that between two variables?
well,that dot is actually join or connect  both variable to become one sentence,do u trust me?well just run the code ,if u dare...hahaha

Beside,u also can do like this:


$test_number7 = 7;
print ('The value of my variable is :' . $test_number7);


daaa,that's all!!!hikhikhik

N/NOTE:remember the dot or die..haha

Exercise 1 (PHP)

So,for this post,as i promised in previous post,now i gonna give u some practice...hope that u will be more understand about PHP script...shall we get start!!?hahaha


1.Firstly,change the double quotes to single quotes. Did it have any effect?

2.Then,put a single quote at the front of your text, and a double quote at the end of the text. What would happens if u run the code?

3.How abput u just delete the dollar sign from the variable name. Then, run the code. What error will show?

4.After that put the dollar sign back, but now delete the semi-colon. Run the code again? What error did you get, this time?

5.Lastly,just try this code:

<title>More on Variables</title>

$test_number7 = 7;
print ($test_number7);



Then change this line:

print ($test_number7);

to this:

print ('$test_number7');   or    print ("$test_number7");

That all guys!!! tq!!

N/NOTE:It's well worth experiencing with  these errors -If u see them in future, u'll be better able to correct ur errors.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The variable in PHP

Firstly,hye!!!how r u??r u ready for a new adventure with me!!
shall we go to the world of PHP!!

ok,for this post i will introduce to u the variable for PHP,okey,this variable is quite similar with others programming variable such as C ,C+ and java .it just plus with this symbol '$' at front of variable.for EXAMPLE


that one if you want to put that variable with the number but with words,we must use the double or single quote like this :


                          $chocolate='ice cream';

plus it also can do like this:


Then to the coding!!first of all,u need to open the Notepad or Textpad and copy this code :

<title>Getting with PHP Variables </title>

<?php print("Hello world!"); ?>

then save ur page as Variable.php.Then put this file in 'www' folder which is inside the 'EasyPHP5.2.10' folder

to open 'www' folder:

Open Local Disk C>open Program Files>EasyPHP5.2.10(i use version 5.2.10)>www

ok,n then test it by write this link on the web browser:

or this:


If you've created a folder inside the 'www' folder, then the address to type in your browser should be like this:

For this code,the PHP script is only one line long,the rest is HTML script:
 <?php print("hello world!"); ?>

okey,shall we examine this,in order to instruct the browser to display things on the page, we've used print( ).The browser will print what between the round bracket.

Ah..haa,i got an idea,how about we just use variable to display it like this:


$test_word="hello world!";



just test it for urself,is it work?please comment me below

N/NOTE:practice make perfect!!,next post, i publish the question!!!hahaha r u happy ryte!?i hope so...

EASYPHP installation

emm post ni akan bergune kpd anda jika anda telah berjaya meng-install EASYPHP ke PC anda,dah abis install?tahniah! kpd yg berjye n kpd yg gagal,huuhu,emm bleh comment kat post ni ek,ok?sy akan tlong anda sebaik mgkin....ok!!hoho

 jadi kpd yg tlah berjaya ni,tlong bukak EASYPHP ek.
nmpak icon mcm hruf 'e' tu,ok..pastu double left click icon trsebut,lpas tu anda akan nmpak gambar di bawh: 

nmpak tak gmbar mcm traffic light tu?makesure kedua-dua lampu traffic light tu wane hijo taw,haaaa mknernye line clear lar ni,emm kalo lampu merah tu or lmpu kuning tu ,cbe anda instal blk software ni ek,huhu
jadi lampu hijo kat MySql n Apache,kedua2 server ni tgh running lar ni,jd minimize window ni blik.

jadi kali ni,anda right click kat icon ni plak,anda pasti nmpak pic dibwh ni:
ok,kalo anda stop server,anda bleh click exit or Stop jer pon boley.

jadi slpas tu,anda boleh bukak browser anda utk test PHP pages samada okey ke tak?
kat ruangan page address itu ,sila tulis :

anda pasti akan nmpak gmbar ni:
anda nmpk tak perkataan 'PHPMYADMIN',click perkataan tu pastu anda akan ke page ni:

dah dpt?kalo dah smp..tahniah!

N/NOTE:smlam,sy sudah insall EASYPHP 5.3.5,jadi software ni install success tp bile nak bukak localhost kat browser tu tros blank...kosong,pergh,bapak kecewa giller,tp sy cbe yg version yg stu agi ,EASYPHP 5.2.10,yg ni brular boleh view,jadi kalo korang ada masalah sama dgn sy,boleh lar comment kat cni ek



Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ah haaaa!!adakah anda bersedia!!

okey2,rilek lu,ok....jadi sblum kita mulakan pngjaran PHP ni,mula2 anda kenalah ada server,huhuhu
hah!?kena beli server?tak lar,anda tak yah pon beli server2 ni,ia FREE jer,hahaha,sb PHP ni popular n bez,hohoho

jadi utk pengajaran ni,kita akan gne software yg bergelar "EasyPHP",emm software ni bez la sb 'ringan' mcm tak byk sgt lar dia gne space kat hard disk tu,pndek kate simple lar.dah install software ni,jgn gtal2 tgn plak nak download MySql n Apache,hohoho.SEBAB software dah sediakan full bez kan simple n full,terbaik arr software ni!!

kpd pengguna WINDOWS
Download EasyPHP sekarang!!!

kpd pengguna APPLE
sila try salah satu dari 2 link ini:

kat link tersebut mmg dah siap dgn ada instruction,so,tak perlulah sy berceloteh disini,ok?hikhikhik

kpd pengguna LINUX
anda boleh ke page ni:

kalo ada page yg lagi baik!?boleh jer pm sy,hahaha

ok utk post kali ni,sy just bgtau software apa kena buat,next post kita akan discuss pasal installing  n testing EAsyPHP,okey?


Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Do You Know About PHP ?

 Image - Courtesy from

PHP is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.

PHP is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP.